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Dune: Sinking Spice Harvester

The spice harvester begins to sink into the sand as Paul and Gurney make their escape.
Another from my series of key scene illustrations for Dune, 2018.

I worked up two versions of this image, one where I continued the muted palette we had devised for the desert of Arrakis, and another where I pushed the yellow-orange atmosphere you see in dust storms (a look famously featured in Blade Runner 2049). I figured this close to the harvester the atmosphere might be thick with clouds of sand and spice, lending a richer colour to the scene.

Both the ornithopter and the spice harvester seen here were based on early 3D block out designs from George Hull and Steve Burg, respectively, and as with all of these images, I had the pleasure of working from storyboards by Sam Hudecki.

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