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Ghost in the Shell - Shelling Sequence 01

This is a small selection of work I created early on in the project conceptualising the shelling sequence. Working closely with my friend Ben Hawker, we tried to reference the original film's procedure, aesthetic, and metaphorical content as much as we could without being overly derivative.

We thought it would be interesting to reveal the red-robed technicians from the original sequence with a dramatic shift in lighting. First, the red material would absorb the blue light, allowing them to observe the process in the cover of darkness...

We thought it would be interesting to reveal the red-robed technicians from the original sequence with a dramatic shift in lighting. First, the red material would absorb the blue light, allowing them to observe the process in the cover of darkness...

...Until a red warning light reveals their voyeuristic presence.

...Until a red warning light reveals their voyeuristic presence.

We wondered about using acoustic resonance to organise the liquid dermis at a cellular level. The body would be blasted with different audio frequencies as it is 'tuned' to resemble the major (hence the vibration dampening baffles in the background).

We wondered about using acoustic resonance to organise the liquid dermis at a cellular level. The body would be blasted with different audio frequencies as it is 'tuned' to resemble the major (hence the vibration dampening baffles in the background).

Still from the final film

Still from the final film

Still from the final film

Still from the final film

Still from the final film

Still from the final film